The ENRICH Course
What are the main target groups and aims of the ENRICH Course?
The ENRICH Course is mainly addressed to English language teachers in countries where English is typically taught as a foreign language. It aims at serving as ‘a catalyst for change’ as regards Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, by helping teachers to develop:
- Awareness of the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF; the E of ENRICH), with particular focus on the practical relevance of ELF to multilingualism and social inclusion.
- Critical thinking skills through constructive networking (N of ENRICH) with English Language Teachers from different countries and contexts.
- Skills for planning, managing and coordinating teaching which integrates ELF in multilingual classrooms involving especially refugees and other learners with a migrant background (R of ENRICH).
- Skills for employing innovative (I of ENRICH) language teaching practices, including CLIL, TBL and ICT, to foster the learners’ ELF-related communicative and other transversal skills required nowadays.
- Skills for employing appropriate cultural content (C of ENRICH), including issues relevant to European Cultural Heritage.
What methodology does the ENRICH Course adopt?
Providing high-quality Continuous Professional Development (H of ENRICH) is a priority for ENRICH. To this end, the Course adopts a blended-learning approach, by integrating a) online self-study materials and activities in a modern e-learning platform (Moodle) and b) special meetings with a mentor that each small group of participants will have. Experiential learning, critical thinking, networking and collaborative professional enquiry constitute the cornerstones of the ENRICH Course.

Do I need to be an experienced teacher to participate in the Course?
The ENRICH Course is addressed to all in-service teachers who teach English to Speakers of Other Languages, no matter how many years of experience they may have. It has been developed in such a way so as to cater for the needs even of teachers who have just started their teaching career. This is in fact one of the main reasons why the role of the mentor is highlighted in the ENRICH Course.