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Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI) is one of the six organizations participating in the ENRICH Project. It is a research and technology organization established in 1985, supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education and focusing on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Particular emphasis is placed on education, by developing and deploying conventional and digital media in education and lifelong learning; publishing printed and electronic educational materials; administrating and managing the Greek School Network; and supporting the organization and operation of the electronic infrastructure of the Greek Ministry of Education and of all educational units. CTI’s Training & Certification Directorate (DiTC), which is the department involved in this project, runs various teacher training and certification projects supported by EU and national funds (2001-today) and is responsible a number of national large-scale projects, co-funded by EU and the Greek Government.

Demetra Egarchou
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Demetra Egarchou leads the Department for Training & LifeLong Learning Actions. BSc in Physics with an MSc in New Trends in ICT from the University of Athens. Her work with CTI involves management and implementation of innovative educational technology national and European projects, educational software development and localization, utilization of ICT in education, Teacher Training and Certification in ICT, procurement engineering and project coordination and monitoring.
Maria Fountana
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Maria Fountana works for CTI as an ICT in education consultant and a researcher undertaking research, coordination, implementation, evaluation and teacher education tasks since 2003. She Has a background in educational studies and ICT, BA in Philosophy, Education and Psychology, University of Athens, Greece and Ma in ICT, University of London, U.K. .
Click below for more information about Maria Fountana.
Giorgos Zagouras
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Giorgos Zagouras as a member of CTI/ DiTC, has been involved in a large number of national and European ICT in education projects. As a senior software engineer, he has taken part in the design and implementation of a heterogonous set of systems. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from Brunel University and an MBA from the University of Patras.

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