Disseminating ENRICH at the 7th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language, in Lisbon

7th conference Lisbon l

On November 9-10, 2018, Lili Cavalheiro, Luis Guerra and Ricardo Pereira, i.e. the partners from the University of Lisbon, presented a paper disseminating the ENRICH Project at the 7th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language, that took place in Lisbon, Portugal.

In order to raise teachers' interest in IO1-Needs Analysis and IO3-CPD Course, the ULisboa partners have given an oral presentation in a special session entitled "Announcement: Erasmus+ project ENRICH - English as a lingua franca practices for inclusive multilingual classrooms" in the 7th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The theme of the conference was "Intercultural language education for increased European identity and cohesion" and it was organised by the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova, in Lisbon, Portugal. The aim of the oral presentation was to present the vision, main aim, objectives and expected outcomes of ENRICH. The presenters were personally approached by interested teachers to seek more information about the project. Printed copies of the ENRICH Handout were also placed in the conference bags, as well as on the conference registration table, and posted on notice boards. The copies of the Handout were given to be taken home and shared with other teachers and school clusters.

For more information on the Conference, please see: http://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/TEFL-7-programme.pdf.