The ENRICH Handbook
Available for download here
What exactly is the ENRICH Handbook and what will it contain?
The Handbook to English as a Lingua Franca Practices for Inclusive Multilingual Classrooms constitutes one of the most important intellectual outputs of ENRICH. It contains all new knowledge generated in the framework of ENRICH and it is addressed to all interested parties, including English language teachers and teacher educators, educational policy-makers and researchers in the areas of multilingualism, English as a lingua franca, teacher education and language pedagogy. Besides the printed version, the Handbook has been published in a digital format as well, which is freely available in the ENRICH website.
How can the Handbook be useful to teachers and teacher educators?
- The Handbook contains the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) materials and activities employed in the ENRICH Course but also good practices gathered during the implementation of the CPD Course in 2020 in the framework of the ENRICH Project. Particular guidelines, suggestions and pieces of advice are integrated therein addressed to:
English language teachers who, either individually or in the context of a teacher education programme, may wish to draw on the experience of the participants of the ENRICH CPD Course to improve their own teaching practices; - English language teacher educators who wish to implement the ENRICH CPD Course in their own context, with teachers working in similar or different teaching situations, and even in programmes belonging to a different phase of the teacher education continuum (i.e. Initial Teacher Education and Induction).

How can the Handbook be useful to educational policy-makers and researchers?
Besides the information addressed to teachers and teacher educators, the Handbook also integrates reflections and lessons learned by the ENRICH researchers throughout the whole ENRICH endeavour as well as suggestions for improvement. This information could be employed by educational policy-makers and researchers as a source of inspiration and as data which may inform their own studies and educational and research practices.