Meeting with the Rector of the Roma Tre University and the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Roma Tre University during PM2 in Rome

Rector Head meeting L

Two dedicated meetings were carried out with a) the Rector of the Roma Tre University (Luca Pietromarchi) and b) the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Giorgio De Marchis) of the Roma Tre University, in the framework of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting (PM2) in Rome, Italy (28 February, 1 and 2 March 2019). Emphasis was placed on the priorities, aims and innovative nature of ENRICH as well as on the significance of the research which is carried out, with particular reference to the findings of IO1-Needs Analysis and their implications for all phases of the continuum of Teacher Education (ITE, Induction, CPD). The portal of ENRICH was also presented to them, highlighting its innovative features in terms of web-design. The ENRICH Handout was delivered to them for their own reference. Both the Rector and the Head of the Department found the project particularly interesting and highly relevant to the mission of the Roma Tre University. After the meeting with the ENRICH partners, the Rector send the Roma Tre partner (Lucilla Lopriore) the following very important message:

"Dear Lucilla, entering that small room I really had the impression of entering a laboratory. Beautiful atmosphere, great planning quality, and also diffused harmony and fondness. That was immediately perceived. Congratulations for having brought all of this to Roma Tre."