The Turkish ENRICH team, Boğaziçi University, carried out a successful multiplier event entitled “ELF DAY 4: ENRICHed Connections between ELF and ELT” at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul on February 22, 2020. Out of 226 online registered for the event, 135 actively attended this event of the ENRICH Project. Among those participants, in-service and pre-service English Language Teachers (ELTs) constituted the majority along with teacher educators, ELT graduates and post-graduates, researchers, and local educational decision- and policy-makers.
The event started with opening remarks of Prof. Yasemin Bayyurt, who is Turkish ENRICH team coordinator. She also introduced the ENRICH project with its background, main objectives, and expected outcomes/outputs. Following this introductory speech, Prof. Nicos Sifakis, the ENRICH project coordinator, mentioned the Continuous Professional Development Course (CPD) and its e-learning environment (Moodle platform). The multiplier event continued with two plenary talks respectively delivered by Prof. Martin Dewey (King’s College London) and Prof. Lucilla Lopriore (Rome Tre University). Following the plenaries accompanied with great discussion between the speakers and the audience, the event ended with a workshop jointly conducted by Natasha Tsantila and Lucilla Lopriore. All the participants who attended the workshop showed great interest to the tasks and raised thought-provoking questions during and at the end of the workshop.
It has become a great ENRICHing Day in all its aspects.

Group Photo


The ENRICH project team prepared a video entitled "The ENRICH Project: Sept 2018 - Feb 2020" which introduces the ENRICH Project and shows what it has achieved since the very beginning of the project.

To watch the video, please click the following link:


The ENRICH project team carried out a successful live Webinar titled “Integrating Global English in the ELT Classroom Today” with the participation of over 100 ELT teachers, teacher educators, researchers and all other interested parties around the world. In the Webinar, mainly the objectives of the ENRICH Project and the development of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) course were presented, and the results of the Needs Analysis were discussed. The ENRICH team members from each partner country took part in the Webinar. In the end, a very fruitful discussion was held through the contribution of all the participants. To find out more about the Webinar, you can see the following video
