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OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (formerly Oslo and Akershus University College) is one of the six organizations participating in the ENRICH Project. It is Norway's third largest university with more than 21,000 students, 4 faculties, 21 major institutes involving 72 research groups, and 2300 employees in three campuses. OsloMet offers 53 Bachelor professional programmes, 33 Masters and 6 PhD programmes that qualify students to contribute to the future welfare and value creation. The Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet has a very strong educational profile, covering all levels of education from preschool to vocational and professional education, with excellent research competence and a solid experience with international collaboration with higher education institutions in a number of countries.

Dina Tsagari
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Dina Tsagari, lead ENRICH Partner, is a Professor in English Language Pedagogy/TESOL, Department of Primary and Secondary Education, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She holds a PhD in Linguistics (language testing) from Lancaster University, UK. She has previously worked for the University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open University. Her research interests include language testing and assessment, teacher training, materials design and evaluation, differentiated instruction, multilingualism, distance education and learning difficulties. She is the editor and author of several volumes, journal papers, and book chapters. She has also been the coordinator of the Classroom-based Language Assessment SIG – EALTA and currently managing and participating in EU-funded and other research projects on second language assessment literacy (TALE, www.taleproject.eu), researching parameters in language proficiency and washback effects in high-stakes tests and assessment and teaching in multilingual contexts (PALM, https://www.palm-edu.eu/en/).
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Theresé Tishakov
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Theresé Tishakov, ENRICH Researcher, is an assistant professor at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, working in English language teacher education of pre- and in-service basic education teachers. She attained her MATESOL at Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in 2002 and is currently engaged in doctoral research on teachers’ cognition in multilingualism and multilingual pedagogy. Theresé originates from the USA, has lived 5 years in Russia and over a decade in Norway.
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Dragana Šurkalović
Surkalovic drasur(at)oslomet.no
Dragana Šurkalović, ENRICH Researcher, is an Associate Professor of English at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, working in teacher education of pre- and in-service compulsory education teachers. She has taught English in Serbia and Norway, and holds an MA in English Linguistics and PhD in Theoretical Linguistics from the University of Tromsø. Her research interests include multilingualism, language policy, early years literacy, English as a Lingua Franca, and language teacher education.
Click below for more information about Dragana Šurkalović.
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Mona Evelyn Flognfeldt
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Mona Evelyn Flognfeldt is an Associate Professor in English Language and Language Pedagogy, Department of Primary and Lower Secondary Education, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She holds a cand. philol. Degree in English Linguistics from Oslo University, and worked as a linguist in this institution before she moved to OsloMet, focusing on applied linguistics and teacher education. Her research interests include word formation and sustainable vocabulary development, multilingualism with English, teacher cognition and learning. She was awarded the Zhejiang West Lake Friendship Award in 2007 for her work with Chinese teachers of English, and is currently engaged in continuing professional development for Norwegian teachers. She has written book chapters and journal articles and co-authored the textbook Explore for Years 1-4 in primary school. For student teachers, she has co-authored English for Teachers and Learners and Enacting Multilingualism: From research to teaching practice in the English classroom.
Click below for more information about Mona Evelyn Flognfeldt.
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Kirstin Reed
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Kirstin Reed, ENRICH Researcher, is a lecturer in English Language Pedagogy/TESOL, Department of Primary and Secondary Education, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from Old Dominion University, US. She has previously taught at Yeungnam University, Korea, Old Dominion University, US, and at private and public K-12 schools and community colleges as an English and ESOL teacher. Her research interests include assessment, ELF, syntax, and digital technologies in language teaching.
Lynell Chvala
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Lynell Chvala is a Doctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Teacher Education and Development Studies at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University. She specializes in English Language Pedagogy, and her current research explores teachers’ understanding of 21st century English language teaching. She has worked as a teacher educator in the Department of Primary and Lower Secondary Education at OsloMet since 2006. She has also taught English in higher education and secondary school and English for specific purposes in the public and private sector in the US, Norway and Sweden.